Event name
Community Meal Program
Sat 04 / 12 / 2025
4:45 PM to 6:15 PM
4:45 PM to 6:15 PM
Grace Lutheran Church
517 N. Queen Street
Lancaster PA 17603
517 N. Queen Street
Lancaster PA 17603
Who can attend
Open to all
Limited Capacity: 6 spots available
Downtowners serve the free evening meal at Grace Lutheran Church through the Community Meal Program facilitated by Parish Resource Center (PRC). There is a parking lot (from Queen Street turn right, just after James Street) to use if you drive there, and we will serve outside the door closest to that parking lot.
We will serve sandwiches, fruit, vegetables, beverages, and snacks via an assembly line set-up at the tables outdoors. Volunteers should expect to stand throughout most of the meal.
Volunteers should arrive at 4:45pm and the meal will be served outside from 5pm-6pm.
We will serve sandwiches, fruit, vegetables, beverages, and snacks via an assembly line set-up at the tables outdoors. Volunteers should expect to stand throughout most of the meal.
Volunteers should arrive at 4:45pm and the meal will be served outside from 5pm-6pm.