Nombre de evento
Board Meeting
Lun 01 / 13 / 2025
5:30 PM al 7:00 PM
5:30 PM al 7:00 PM
450 N. Prince Street
Lancaster PA 17603
450 N. Prince Street
Lancaster PA 17603
Quién puede participar
Members only (login required)
Capacidad Limitada: Inscripción Cerrada
William Stephan
The Board of Directors meets monthly and is responsible for: developing policies that
govern the organization; planning, directing and supervising programs, activities, and services;
establishing a budget; producing income and authorizing expenditures; hiring and firing staff;
establishing committees and appointing committee members; and representing the
organization to the public.
govern the organization; planning, directing and supervising programs, activities, and services;
establishing a budget; producing income and authorizing expenditures; hiring and firing staff;
establishing committees and appointing committee members; and representing the
organization to the public.