Nombre de evento
Board Meeting
Lun 03 / 10 / 2025
5:30 PM al 7:00 PM
5:30 PM al 7:00 PM
450 N. Prince Street
Lancaster PA 17603
450 N. Prince Street
Lancaster PA 17603
Quién puede participar
Members only (login required)
William Stephan
The Board of Directors meets monthly and is responsible for: developing policies that
govern the organization; planning, directing and supervising programs, activities, and services;
establishing a budget; producing income and authorizing expenditures; hiring and firing staff;
establishing committees and appointing committee members; and representing the
organization to the public.
govern the organization; planning, directing and supervising programs, activities, and services;
establishing a budget; producing income and authorizing expenditures; hiring and firing staff;
establishing committees and appointing committee members; and representing the
organization to the public.